Thursday, March 02, 2006


I am in London, during a welcome break in project activity. I found out on Tuesday that I would be coming, and got here Tuesday night to start work yesterday.

London is a beautiful city. I did not think so when I lived here, but last night I was happy to see the landmarks in the crisp, clear night. To me it seemed like everything was twinkling. :) I visited Anisha at her lovely flat in Waterloo, and her flat is so close to the London Eye that one needs to crane their neck in order to see the top of the Eye from her front door.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jenny Wow, rumor has it you are in NY and dying to see me.

Of course, you picked the week when we have midterms, but what the heck...

Call me for God's sake, hope to see you soon!


5:37 PM  

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