Saturday, August 26, 2006


I need a vacation from my weekend. These weekends in FRA are more destructive than revitalizing with too many activities - bacchanalian or otherwise. Last night, after my sleepless flight back home, we went and stuffed ourselves after which I came home woozy, and happy from the cold night air. Today I woke up once at 1:30 and once at 2:30 - attributable to jet lag, I hope, rather than laziness - when people called and then heaved myself out of bed for some rather intense tennis on an empty stomach. Then, picking at food with some girls - to which I even contributed my own cookings - and then a night of slight debauchery at a local izakaya. Got to the office and did expenses and started a makeup blog as J has been heckling me to do. Full and warm and resobered, heading out in a sec with a friend.


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