Monday, July 23, 2007


I'm a bad blogger, I mean brogger, as the time lapse since my last post amply illustrates.

I arrived back to Frankfurt early this morning, laden with new things purchased in Taiwan and elsewhere. The act of consumption gives me much pleasure because I rarely have the opportunity to do it and have some difficulty in finding the particular things that I envision. It is very rare to find the particular somethings I have in mind; I am not a browser in either the tapir or the shopping sense for the most part, except for books (of course the shopping sense in this case).

So you can imagine the elation I had in purchasing the things I did in Taiwan, among them:
-tailored shirts, which are not as perfect as I would like but still nice
-handmade shoes, which are exactly as I would like
-and, very happily, the perfect backpack for my notebook

In other news, I'm on a ridiculous raw-foodish diet (the -"ish" being that I only do it for one meal a day) and it's going great. I eat raw vegetables for one meal of the day, I eat anything/everything for another and I feel great even though I end up being starving for part of the day.

Friday, January 26, 2007


I was so very tired that not even three weeks of hols resuscitated my ailing body. But my spirits are high and very much so, so that at least I appear to be healthy. Taiwan is the land of good foods and immaculate services; I have gained a little bit of weight due to all the deliciousness, but coupled with massages and facials, it's difficult to look too gross.

It's another new year, and I should be making some resolutions. The first one is to lose the aforementioned weight. The others must be viewed holistically: keep myself and others happy. I will surround myself with positive influences; I will eat healthily; I will treat others more kindly; I will prioritise the things that are important to me; I will look for the bigger picture. Sounds hokey... heh heh.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Much travelling, much fun. These last two weeks have been magical and now I am back in little Frankfurt.

Friday, October 06, 2006


Returned to Frankfurt over last week and had a really nice time; now I feel happy though tired from the activities there. I finally tried Yumeya last night, and it was really lovely. After one year, I am finally starting to get to know more passable Asia food!

Have been all around since the last post. I tried archery for the first time, and it was a lot off fun. I'm no Geena Davis, though. The lot of us also partook of a whole suckling pig, which was rather macabre to look at but delicious to chew. ;)

Saturday, August 26, 2006


I need a vacation from my weekend. These weekends in FRA are more destructive than revitalizing with too many activities - bacchanalian or otherwise. Last night, after my sleepless flight back home, we went and stuffed ourselves after which I came home woozy, and happy from the cold night air. Today I woke up once at 1:30 and once at 2:30 - attributable to jet lag, I hope, rather than laziness - when people called and then heaved myself out of bed for some rather intense tennis on an empty stomach. Then, picking at food with some girls - to which I even contributed my own cookings - and then a night of slight debauchery at a local izakaya. Got to the office and did expenses and started a makeup blog as J has been heckling me to do. Full and warm and resobered, heading out in a sec with a friend.

Friday, August 25, 2006


I come home very jet-lagged but also full of energy - got more sleep this week than usual! My goals this weekend are to clean my room; buy some soba, eggs, and; do the usual biking and resting. Will go shopping but will not purchase anything major - I have exceeded some kind of shopping limit considering J & I purchased my entire fall wardrobe, a winter white bag, and new sandals in the span of a few short days. I vow to make no more major purchases until we go to Taiwan in December. I am a vision of self-restraint.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


I returned to my Frankfurt efficiency last weekend and tried to sleep quite a lot but didn't succeed. I only slept a medium amount.

New York is next on the list, and I'm quite happy about that. I will get to see some friends and be back on home soil. I feel free and brave already.