Friday, March 31, 2006


I am sitting in one of Asia House's lovely basement rooms, savoring some beach time after a short stint in New York. There are offices which are bigger and grander, but AH is a comfortingly beautiful house in the midst of residences and across the street from a small church.

I love my tiny apartment in Frankfurt, which is warm, very cozy, piled with my things, and glows from the sunlight filtering in through white, diaphanous curtains. My apartment is approximately 20 square meters. If you cannot picture this size - the entire room, including the shower and "kitchenette" is smaller than one of my dorm rooms in grad school. Or, put another way, it is a furnished, serviced apartment which costs less than $700/month with utilities included...if you know Frankfurt prices, you have some sense of how little it is.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


It is my last few days in New York and I have loved being in this city. Something about it fills me with energy - I want to party party party. Mmm. I love it here. It's ironic that I have more of real life in NY than I do where I technically live, in Frankfurt.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


I am in London, during a welcome break in project activity. I found out on Tuesday that I would be coming, and got here Tuesday night to start work yesterday.

London is a beautiful city. I did not think so when I lived here, but last night I was happy to see the landmarks in the crisp, clear night. To me it seemed like everything was twinkling. :) I visited Anisha at her lovely flat in Waterloo, and her flat is so close to the London Eye that one needs to crane their neck in order to see the top of the Eye from her front door.